Hybrid Team Intentionality

Leaders can't gamble with priorities and outcomes. Accountability is key to consistent delivery.

49% of hybrid employee leaders “struggle to trust their employees to do their best work" and consistently deliver.

Gone are the days when leaders could easily get a project update by simply passing an employee in the hall or by popping into their workspace. In today’s hybrid world, accountability requires intentionality.

Leaders can no longer rely on face-to-face interactions for accountability. They must pick up the phone, send an email, or jump on a Zoom call.

For many, the extra effort can feel daunting or overwhelming.

Before attending our workshop, only 34% of attendees we surveyed felt confident in their ability to hold others accountable in a hybrid setting, whereas afterward, that number doubled!

Intentionality requires mindfulness. It ensures that outreach will ensure accountability for anyone, within any medium, on anything.

Each morning, host a quick and consistent daily check in with your virtual and hybrid team. Discuss their daily priorities and tasks to ensure everyone is on the same page. Example; the check-in question we ask each other on my team is; “what’s your positive professional and personal focus for the week?”

Second, respond in a timely manner. Don’t leave virtual employees waiting on you to respond to their questions or concerns. The timelier your response, the timelier they will be able to achieve the action steps you’ve asked.

In our world of hybrid work, accountability requires intentionality. As the leader, you can establish three proactive ways to facilitate updates, streamline communication, and maintain influence Monday to Monday.

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