The Top 10 Lies We Tell Ourselves About Our Influence

If you remember nothing else from my biweekly blogs, remember this one point: When it comes to influence, every single interaction – even the virtual ones – matters. Every presentation, conversation, impromptu meeting, email, text, picture, video, post or even a phone call in the back of a taxi is a representation of who you are and directly determines how others perceive you.

Every interaction is a representation of your “voice” and your personal brand and establishes your reputation. Every interaction either enhances or detracts from your influence.


Top 10 Lies

1. I’m an executive/leader – I’m already influential.

2. I can turn on the influence when I need to.

3. I feel confident, credible and knowledgeable, so others must experience me the same way.

4. Influence only occurs in face-to-face situations.

5. Having influence in day-to-day interactions isn’t necessary or important.

6. People are on their phones while I talk because that is just today’s culture.

7. My work sells itself. I don’t have to be influential.

8. What I’ve done in the past has gotten me where I am, and it’s good enough to get me where I want to go in the future.

9. Influence is a “soft skill” that doesn’t really matter in the digital age.

10. I’m comfortable in high-stakes situations, and if I’m comfortable, I must be influential.

What can you do Monday to Monday℠ to make every interaction matter?

This week’s blog is an excerpt from my new book, Redefining Influence…Be the Leader You Were Meant to Be, Monday to Monday, which will be released in early 2016.

Drop me a note to share what steps you will take this week to prevent getting stuck in the any of the Top 10 Lies. Tag me on my Facebook page.

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