Development Accountability

Accountability drives action. Without it, will power fails and distractions steal focus.

Establishing a specific accountability appointment with someone increases your liklihood of achieving goals by 95%.

Have you ever tried to set a goal for yourself only to fall short of achieving it? Perhaps you wanted to lose weight or get in better shape. Maybe you wanted to get promoted to the corner office, or earn more influence in the workplace.Have you ever noticed how excited you get when you set your sights on a new goal only later to lose momentum or focus because it demands too much work, time or change? Accountability is key to any personal development.

Goals do not have to be elusive wishes that are never reached.

Five simple steps to increase success:

1. Find an accountability partner. Choose someone you trust who will commit the time to help and provide honest feedback. Make a written pact to provide them with ongoing updates and schedule a regularly recurring time to meet and discuss your progress.

2. Make a plan. Write down specific actions that lack wiggle room so you cannot cheat your progress. Give this plan to your accountability partner so they know what to expect from you each week.

3. Find your why. It is natural to want to improve, but old habits die hard. Instead of considering what you want to achieve, consider why you want it to begin with. Then, write it down. The goal itself may not be enough to keep you accountable, but a compelling reason why will.

4. You have a calendar, so use it. Block off a consistent time each day to focus on your goal. Choose a time of day when you are more likely to be tempted by distraction. Commit to your calendar as a client appointment or team meeting.

5. No one is perfect. Setbacks will happen. Just do not lie about it to yourself or your accountability partner. If you missed this week, figure out why and commit to getting back on track.


Stop tackling new goals with old, unsuccessful habits. Instead, set yourself up for success with these five steps to ultimate accountability.

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