The 7 Do’s and Don’ts to Building Trust

Eye connection builds trust. Only speak when you see eyes.

Eye connection is required for more than 70 percent on the conversation in order for an emotional connection to be made.

How we communicate with others determines the level of trust we earn. Our behaviors, actions and words shape the impression we create in every interaction. What we say, how we say it and how we respond has the power to build trust or break it down. Trust is needed to grow your influence. Without it, you lack credibility, and your reputation suffers.

7 do’s and don’ts to build trust, grow your reputation and to be consistently influential.

Listen to learn.

Too many of us spend our energy thinking of how to respond instead of listening to learn. Be purposeful in your interactions with others. Ask open-ended questions and repeat back paraphrased points to ensure understanding.

Be yourself.

When you try to turn on your personality for high-stakes situations, those who know you in casual interactions will question who you really are.

Keep it concise.

Too many words can confuse your listeners, leaving them wondering what you’re trying to say. Choose words that stick with your listeners, helping them understand and remember your message long after the interaction.

Open up.

 Body language speaks volumes. It’s important that your body language matches your words, or you risk confusing your listeners. A grimace or smirk, crossed arms, or darting eyes don’t perpetuate trust. Actions matter.

Transparency builds trust.

Vulnerability and transparency allow others to see the real you. Be personable and approachable with others. Those who attempt to remain stoic are seen as suspicious, which causes others to hold back to minimize risk to themselves.

Words matter.

The quickest way to jeopardize trust is to say one thing and do another. Trust requires you to consistently deliver on your promises and remain accountable to your commitments. If you say you’ll call back in 24 hours, do it.

Be encouraging.

Difficult conversations can test any relationship. Remain encouraging, even when sharing constructive feedback or challenging opinions. Encouraging reminds others that their success matters to you.

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