Break Bad Hybrid Habits

Break Bad Hybrid Habits

Have you ever lost weight, yet those you see daily don’t notice? Then, they first mention it the moment you come face-to-face with someone you haven’t seen in a while. Psychologists call this phenomenon ‘inattentional blindness.’ It occurs when those you interact with...
Leading Hybrid Teams

Leading Hybrid Teams

After two years of working virtually, some people return to the office. Other professionals, however, wish to remain remote or limit their time in the office. While the choice provides flexibility for employees, leaders may find hybrid team management a challenge....
Crush Hybrid Meetings

Crush Hybrid Meetings

It seemed that the moment we became comfortable hosting virtual meetings, people began returning to in-person conversations. Now, we must learn to navigate the new world of hybrid meetings while ensuring everyone—in person and virtually—gets the most from their time...
Zoom Fatigue is Real

Zoom Fatigue is Real

Back-to-back virtual meetings have become commonplace for many professionals. The moment one conversation ends, the next begins, rarely providing the opportunity to clear your mind in between. In fact, 83% of employees spend up to one-third of their workweek in...

Hidden Brain

20 Lessons Learned in 20 Years

20 Lessons Learned in 20 Years of Business It’s been 20 years since taking the leap to start Stacey Hanke, Inc. I felt confident I could teach others to become influential leaders. What I didn’t realize was how much I would personally learn about leadership and...