Ditch Meeting Madness

Ditch Meeting Madness

No longer do we collectively gather in a conference room engaging face-to-face. Now, meetings are a collection of online and in-person attendees consuming and deciphering information at lightning speed. Meetings require engagement and interaction to make an impact....
Technical Blunders Cost

Technical Blunders Cost

I recently joined a virtual call. The moment the host talked, I became distracted by his technical blunders. His blurred background illuminated strange colors. I wondered to myself, where is he sitting? What is he hiding? Maybe he was working from home and was...
Show Up Consistently

Show Up Consistently

Showing up consistently is the key to trust. Even online dating has the term “catfish,” defining when the person you meet doesn't look like their profile picture. Have you ever experienced that situation? The inconsistency wasn't catfish dramatic, but...
Successful Hybrid Meetings

Successful Hybrid Meetings

Think back to the last hybrid meeting you attended. People in the room likely ignored the attempt for virtual attendees to speak. They likely talked over one another, interrupted and carried on side bar conversations. It makes it hard to speak up and even harder to...
Influence Remote Employees

Influence Remote Employees

Our new hybrid workplace challenges our ability to communicate with influence and truly connect. Relationships are easier to establish when we see peers in person, but what happens with employees who work remote? Here are three ways leaders can develop relationships...