Actions Speak Louder

Actions Speak Louder

Corporate America is experiencing a leadership crisis. The communication gap between bosses and employees is widening as trust diminishes. It begs the question of why? The answer may be simple. Few things erode trust and respect like actions and words that don't...
Earn Trust with Consistency

Earn Trust with Consistency

Have you ever noticed how long it takes for others to respond to your email or return your phone call. It’s frustrating. As you wait for a response, you wonder – did they miss your message, or did they just choose not to respond? Should you message again, or do you...

Hidden Brain

20 Lessons Learned in 20 Years

20 Lessons Learned in 20 Years of Business It’s been 20 years since taking the leap to start Stacey Hanke, Inc. I felt confident I could teach others to become influential leaders. What I didn’t realize was how much I would personally learn about leadership and...