Are You in Control or Is your PowerPoint Running the Show?

11 Tips to Stay in Control  If you have partnered with us, you know we’re on a mission to influence individuals to use PowerPoint to support their message rather than to BE the message. PowerPoint slides are NOT your notes.  It’s a visual aid to support and add depth...

Let Go of What You Know – 6 Steps to Meaningful Feedback

Look for everyday opportunities. Feedback is easier to seek and apply in low-risk, daily interactions rather than high-stakes situations. Instead of waiting for the “big gig,” seek feedback on a regular basis. Soliciting feedback involves just a few minutes before and...

Consistency Monday to Monday® – 4 Steps to Commitment

Are you one of many who have committed to a New Year’s Resolution?  Are you still committed?  By January 15th of every year, only 1% is still committed to their resolutions.  I can attest to this.  I teach fitness when I’m not traveling.  Everyone is excited to stick...

Have you improved your verbal and non-verbal communication this year?

Are you where you want to be? Have you improved your verbal and non-verbal communication this year? Are you influential Monday to Monday®? Influence is a choice, and there are no “quick fixes.”  If you hold yourself accountable to seek feedback and practice, you will...