3 Steps to Actively Listen to Increase Your Influence

3 Steps to Actively Listen to Increase Your Influence   Drop me a note to share the action steps you will commit to this month to make sure you’re NOT just listening but ACTIVELY listening.  Tag me on my Facebook page. If you missed one of Stacey’s previous blogs...

3 Steps to Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

3 Steps to Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable   Drop me a note to share what you did this month to get comfortable being uncomfortable.  Tag me on my Facebook page.   This week’s blog is an excerpt from Stacey’s new book, Influence Redefined … Be...

Deliberate Practice: 4 Surefire Ways to Enhance Your Influence

“The greater the outcome, the greater demand on practice.”   If you’ve ever played a sport, musical instrument or participated in any similar pursuit that takes muscle memory, you know that improvement never occurs without practice. For example, let’s say you...

Are You Really As Influential As You Think You Are?

Take Action This Week: Ask someone you can trust to tell you the truth about how you come across? How would they describe the reputation you’ve created for yourself? Decide what actions you’re going to immediately take to enhance or rebuild your reputation based on...