When Feedback Hurts

When Feedback Hurts

Feedback can hurt. We claim to be open to feedback until we dislike an opinion. Then, we become defensive and resistant, making excuses for our behavior. It makes us feel vulnerable, especially when what we hear differs from what we believe to be true. What we choose...
Be Memorable

Be Memorable

Take a moment and think of someone at work whom you trust, find credible, and who you respect. Perhaps it’s a mentor, accountability partner, boss, coworker, or colleague. What three qualities come to mind when you consider that person? Maybe they communicate clearly,...
Feedback: Not a Four-Letter Word

Feedback: Not a Four-Letter Word

Feedback. This one simple word elicits complicated feelings, but it is the one thing we all need to grow. Whether you are getting or giving feedback, trust is the one component needed to make it land in a positive way. Without trust, feedback – given or received – is...
Practice Make Habits Stick

Practice Make Habits Stick

Repetition creates automation. Getting better at anything requires deliberate practice. Think about the hours one might spend at basketball practice, shooting hoops and mastering drills. These skills eventually become automatic. The same is true for you! We all want...