From a recent Fox 32 Chicago live interview, you can learn immediate and practical how-to’s that will help you make sure your body language is consistent with your message. Key Takeaways You Can Apply Immediately: Communicate with brevity by saying less with...
Have you ever gone into a meeting (either physical or virtual) intending to do a “data dump” – to share as much information with as many people as quickly as possible? Do you ever feel awkward facilitating a meeting because you don’t know how to get participants to...
11 Tips to Stay in Control If you have partnered with us, you know we’re on a mission to influence individuals to use PowerPoint to support their message rather than to BE the message. PowerPoint slides are NOT your notes. It’s a visual aid to support and add depth...
Others don’t respond to your emails and texts as frequently or quickly as you would like People’s response to your emails and texts is based on past experience with your messages. Perhaps your emails are long and confusing, or your text messages are one continuous...