Virtual Distractions

Have you ever wondered what to do with these? Suddenly, we turn on our webcams, and it no longer matters what distractions we make. It’s a question our clients frequently ask, “How do I gesture through a box?”

1st, you need the proper setup. Position your camera or laptop so your listeners can see more of you. The goal is to create a virtual experience that replicates an in-person experience.

If you were back in a board room with your listeners, you would never sit at the table at a level that only shows your shoulders and head. Why would you do it here?

With a few quick adjustments, the right setup is possible. You can raise your laptop on top of books, or if you have a stand-up desk, you can adjust the height.

The farther you’re seated from your camera, the more your listeners will see you as long as you are close enough to connect. If you’re working with your laptop camera rather than an external camera, adjust your laptop cover so that more of you are seen than your ceiling. You want limited space between the top of your head and your ceiling.

Once your set-up is perfect or as close as it can be, you can gesture with purpose now. This is more important than you may believe.

Purposeful gestures communicate credibility, interest and impact. They increase the amount of information your listeners remember and how long they retain. Let’s face it: influencing action doesn’t always happen after the first interaction.

Instead, we build trusting relationships when we can show up consistently every time and when our listeners remember/understand our message. Purposeful gestures get you there.

Listen to what your parents may have told you growing up: Sit up straight. Leaning on your desk or breakfast bar (depending on your workspace at home) makes it difficult to breathe from your diaphragm, which allows you to inflect to create impact.

Leaning doesn’t allow you to gesture with purpose. Instead, we flip our hands, which isn’t distracting at all. Or your listeners get a sneak peek of your fingertips when you gesture too low.

Give this a try: Sit up straight and open up your posture so that you can gesture from your sides and your listeners can see what you’re doing. Be careful; gesturing too close to your camera is awkward, and you would never do that when you’re in person.

You don’t want to be constantly moving because it will be hard to think on your feet, and it will be distracting for your listeners. Instead, have a beginning and end.

After making your point with a gesture—and your gestures need to match what you’re saying—come to your home base, which is your open posture. Your home base may be the top of your desk, with your arms on your chair or lap.

Use a variety of gestures: larger, smaller, one hand or nothing at all. Variety is key to coming across as natural and authentic.

Purposeful gestures create a visual around your words, which increases learner retention, credibility, and impact.

How you behave in your virtual environment will affect how you gesture in in-person conversations at the office.

Take advantage of the time you have now at home to practice building new habits that will put you ahead of the competition when you’re back in person.


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