Embracing Discomfort

Why are we so willing to embrace the discomfort to strengthen our bodies but fight against the discomfort to strengthen our influence?

Why are we so willing to embrace the pain and discomfort of strengthening our bodies but fight against the pain and discomfort of strengthening our influence?
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4 Steps for Adapting Your Message on the Fly

Be present.  Being present means being completely focused on your audience and fully in tune with what is happening between you in the moment. Do you need to adjust your energy level based on the energy in the room and your listeners’ communication style? Are you...

7 Ways to Be Memorable Long After the Interaction

Several of you have asked what S.P.A.R.K.™ is after seeing my reference to this in several blogs.    S.P.A.R.K.™ is the most effective way to: Help you relax and get comfortable with your listeners. Grab your listeners’ attention. Gain listener Remember what you...

4 Signs You’re Not as Influential as You Think

You May Not Be as Influential as You Think You Are If…   People don’t follow your lead. Winning over your audience means knowing beforehand what it takes to keep their attention and what pitfalls you must consider. They may not follow you if they don’t act on your...

Meetings That Influence

10 Must-Haves to Stop Wasting Time Agenda. ALWAYS send a clear and specific agenda at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, and ask for participants’ input. Clearly communicate an action step for each agenda item. Follow your agenda and stay on track.   Right...

The Impact of Brevity

Take Action This Week Audio record yourself at least five times this week. Listen to your playback. What are your filler words and phrases? When do you say too much or take too long to get to the point? Where in your message can you pause longer? Ask someone you...

Are You Really As Influential As You Think You Are?

Take Action This Week: Ask someone you can trust to tell you the truth about how you come across? How would they describe the reputation you’ve created for yourself? Decide what actions you’re going to immediately take to enhance or rebuild your reputation based on...