Embracing Discomfort

Why are we so willing to embrace the discomfort to strengthen our bodies but fight against the discomfort to strengthen our influence?

Why are we so willing to embrace the pain and discomfort of strengthening our bodies but fight against the pain and discomfort of strengthening our influence?
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Virtual Excuses -5 Surefire Ways to Increase Your Influence

The No. 1 challenge our participants share during virtual conversations is thinking, “I don’t know if my listeners are with me or checking their emails.” There are steps you can take today to increase interaction and your influence during all virtual conversations....

Are You in Control or Is your PowerPoint Running the Show?

11 Tips to Stay in Control  If you have partnered with us, you know we’re on a mission to influence individuals to use PowerPoint to support their message rather than to BE the message. PowerPoint slides are NOT your notes.  It’s a visual aid to support and add...

Let Go of What You Know – 6 Steps to Meaningful Feedback

Look for everyday opportunities. Feedback is easier to seek and apply in low-risk, daily interactions rather than high-stakes situations. Instead of waiting for the “big gig,” seek feedback on a regular basis. Soliciting feedback involves just a few minutes before...

Consistency Monday to Monday® – 4 Steps to Commitment

Are you one of many who have committed to a New Year’s Resolution?  Are you still committed?  By January 15th of every year, only 1% is still committed to their resolutions.  I can attest to this.  I teach fitness when I’m not traveling.  Everyone is excited to...