Invest in Your Development

Individuals actively engaging in personal development are 45% more likely to earn higher salaries over their careers.

Showing up consistently – Monday to Monday®—means investing in your level of influence every time you interact.

Do you ever feel like only a few things about your professional situation are within your control? The truth is, we are more in control than we think, like our personal and professional development. One Harvard Business Review study reveals that individuals actively engaging in personal development are 45% more likely to earn higher salaries over their careers.

Remember when we all started working virtually? Every Zoom meeting had challenges: barking dogs, messy houses, and interrupting spouses and kids. We were patient, but expectations quickly shifted.

When it comes time to return to in-person work, will you be ready, or will your in-person communication skills seem as chaotic as they did in those early virtual days?

Showing up consistently – Monday to Monday®—means investing in your level of influence every time you interact. When we communicate, it's about understanding what the listener perceives and what is conveyed on the other end.

Use the time you have now to focus on what you can control. Sharpen the communication skills you haven't practiced in over a year so that they will be strong and influential when you return to in-person work.


Record yourself.

Have you ever heard a recorded version of yourself and thought, “Is that what I really sound like?”

We’ve all been there. Hearing what our listeners hear can be a rude awakening, but it is the number one way to recognize areas for improvement. Next time you are in a Zoom meeting or phone call, hit the record button. Immediately watch or listen to the playback and note what needs improvement.

Plan your conversation.

Do you wing conversations or write down ideas you wish to discuss?

Even when you jump from Zoom call to Zoom call, your listeners can tell when you haven’t prepared. When you don’t have time to prepare the way you wish you could, even taking 1 -to 2 minutes to write down talking points will increase your connection and engagement. Put them on a sticky note and paste them next to your camera. By practicing now, you’ll have the habit established for when you return to in-person work.

Put focus on how you show up!

Influential leaders have consistent body language and words, but working from home has left many of us out of practice. We have focused so much on the camera's viewpoint that we have ignored the message the rest of our body language conveys.

Next time you are on the phone, pay attention to your body language and movements. What do your posture, facial expressions, and gestures communicate? Are you okay with how your listeners see you? After the call, take two minutes to note what you’re willing to change.

Use this virtual time now to invest in you to build a consistent brand and a reputation that you’re proud of Monday to Monday®.

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