Lack Of Consistency = Lack Of Trust

TRUSTAn influential communicator is consistent with how they deliver a message as well as the words they speak during ALL situations Monday to Monday. We need to be consistent to be trusted. When you’re consistent through your words and actions, your reputation builds and spreads. As a result, others will want to listen and follow your lead. If they’re following you, there is a strong probability they’re influenced by you.

Are you consistent Monday to Monday? Do you put on your “A” game with the same level of effort, focus and preparation for ALL conversations as you do for a high-stakes conversation? If an executive stops you in the office hallway, would they have the same experience with you then as they would observing you deliver a high-stakes presentation?

If you want to be an effective presenter, your day-to-day communication skills need to be effective. You never speak with filler words and you consistently connect and engage with your listeners during a presentation, meeting, face-to-face or virtual conversation. These are the individuals in your life whom you admire, follow and aspire to be.

Being Consistent = Increased Opportunities 

Consistency predicts the conversations others have about you behind your back. Even a small slip in consistency can change others’ perception of you, leading to a less-than-adequate reputation. Zappos and Apple’s reputations continue to be built based on their loyal customers’ experiences. What are your peers, employees and customers saying about you?

Consistency Makes You Relevant

Steve Jobs would practice for four hours before presenting to a live audience. You need to consistently practice enhancing your communication skills if you want to be influential, no matter how or where you deliver your message. You become relevant when your listeners receive a predictable flow of information.

Being Consistent Creates Habits

You’re well on your way to being influential if you have disciplined yourself to be consistent. You automatically position yourself in the top 1%.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle, ancient Greek philosopher and scientist

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