Embracing Discomfort

Why are we so willing to embrace the discomfort to strengthen our bodies but fight against the discomfort to strengthen our influence?

Why are we so willing to embrace the pain and discomfort of strengthening our bodies but fight against the pain and discomfort of strengthening our influence?
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6 Tips for Influential Meetings and Engaged Attendees

  Drop me a note to share what you will do THIS MONTH to facilitate meetings that have influence. Tag me on my Facebook page.  If you missed one of Stacey’s previous blogs or tips, visit her online.     What Achievers Read Atomic Habits: An Easy...

5 Ways to Retain Your Customer’s Business

  Drop me a note to share what you will do THIS MONTH to apply these five steps for retaining your customers. Tag me on my Facebook page.   If you missed one of Stacey’s previous blogs or tips, visit her online.       What Achievers Read...

3 Words Influential Leaders Avoid

  Drop me a note to share what you will do THIS WEEK to avoid these three words. Tag me on my Facebook page.   If you missed one of Stacey’s previous blogs or tips, visit her online.       What Achievers Read The Intention Imperative: 3...

Actions to Successfully Transition from Peer to Boss

In a perfect world, promotions would come with congratulations from new employees ready to follow your every decision. Previous peers would believe that you were the obvious choice for the leadership role you've acquired. Being promoted from a position of equality...

Communication Mistakes We Cluelessly Make

How we think we are perceived is not always reality. Many professionals believe they're doing a great job selling themselves, but they fail to acknowledge the mistakes that erode their credibility. People's perception isn't based on who we are, but rather their...

The Secret to Overcoming your Resistance to Goals

If you want to overcome your resistance to goals, finding an accountability partner is crucial. It's harder to make excuses when someone else we respect is involved.  Then, establish a regular meeting held during the same time each week or month. Discuss your...

4 Steps to Ensure Follow Through

Some leaders seem to think that because they are in a role of leadership, they can evade the reputation of doing what they want to do rather than showing respect by following through. Leaders set the tone of the company. They don't get a free pass because of who...

Bad Behaviors Threatening Your Influence

Drop me a note to share the action steps you and your team will take this month to stop the ineffective behaviors you may have that is disrupting your influence.  Tag me on my Facebook page.   If you missed one of Stacey’s previous blogs or tips, visit her...

4 Steps to Avoid the Superficial Apology

Drop me a note to share the action steps you will commit to this month to increase your awareness of how you come across rather than what you believe to be true.  Tag me on my Facebook page.   If you missed one of Stacey’s previous blogs or tips, visit her...

How To’s For Communicating Confidence

Drop me a note to share the action steps you will commit to this month to increase your awareness of how you come across rather than what you believe to be true.  Tag me on my Facebook page.   If you missed one of Stacey’s previous blogs or tips, visit her...

3 Best Practices For Projecting Your Voice To Be Heard

Drop me a note to share the action steps you will commit to this month to increase your awareness of how you come across rather than what you believe to be true.  Tag me on my Facebook page.   If you missed one of Stacey’s previous blogs or tips, visit her...